The Venture Builder for Human Centric Solutions
LEDGER, an EU funded project, empowers people to solve problems using decentralised technologies such as blockchain, peer to peer or distributed ledger technologies.
- LEDGER provides mentorship, guidance and direct grants to projects building human centric solutions where citizens retain control over their data.
- It is part of the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet initiative (NGI) and also aligns with European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) objectives.
“The Next Generation Internet initiative will reverse the Internet paradigm and recognise the value of humanity in technology”, said Roberto Viola, Director General of the European Commission’s DG Connect during the Digital Assembly 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Online Community

Jobs created

Public Funding delivered by LEDGER

Additional Public Funding raised

Additional Private Funding raised

New partnerships created

Awards Won

Other success stories

From Countries

Started Applications


LEDGER’s new website is LIVE!
We are pleased to announce the launch of a LEDGER Project brand new website! After some hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of LEDGER’s new showcase website. The new site is now available, and the URL...
NGI LEDGER organises joined Demo and Blockchain Venture Day
3 years, 3 open calls and support programmes later, LEDGER, the Venture Builder for Human-centric Solutions is coming to an end. As part of its final activities, the EU-funded project organises a joined Demo Day for its 2nd and 3rd round programmes, which have...

LEDGER 3rd Open Call: The Venture Builder has selected 9 projects out of 18 Jury Day finalists to join the final round of its programme
LEDGER – After a long selection process and strong competition that started with 99 submitted applications from 26 countries, the EU-funded MVP Venture Builder for human-centric solutions has held its final Jury Day on Thursday the 29th of April 2021 where 18...

LEDGER has successfully closed its 3rd and last Open Call!
LEDGER closed its 3rd Open Call on the 3rd of March, congratulations to all the applicants on their work and dedication in submitting their projects to the LEDGER 3rd Open Call. Finally, there have been 99 applications submitted, from 26 countries! The evaluation...